grep all http urls - grep url from file - grep url regex
I have one sitemap.xml file that is too big and in this sitemap.xml file have http/https url something like this
We don't know how many url's exist on this sitemap.xml file and manually activity will take a lot of time also could be change of human error.
Grep command can help me on this situation, ( Let me comment if we can do this via any other option )
Here, I have window Operation System with installed mobaxterm ssh manage and I'm using local terminal on it so let's try
1 - I have downloaded the sitemap.xml file
curl -o /tmp/sitemap.xml
2 - Once download, use below grep command to print all the http URLs
grep -o -E "https?://[][[:alnum:]._~:/?#@&'()*+,;%=-]+" /tmp/sitemap.xml
grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" /tmp/sitemap.xml
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