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In this tutorial we will learn, how to use REST API in Linux box, for this topic we have Cowin API and we will set alerts using this cowin API once available.
Prerequisite :
1 - Linux Box -
2 - Internet
2 - Mail configuration
3 - Cowin API
4 - Curl
Linux Box -
I'm using a CentOS 7 for this tutorial and it is hosted in my laptop and connected to Internet for API Calling and sending a email.
We can also use cloud box like AWS / Azure / Google cloud. who can run 24/7 for notification.
cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Cowin API
In the above api we provide below input
- pincode
- date
- age
curl ""
We got the all covid centers list of Dewas, you can check according to your pincode and date
In the next we will filter more like center name
curl "" 2>/dev/null | grep -o '"name":"[^"]*"'
Read more.. about how to use regular expression part 2
Filter available_capacity
Read more.. about how to use regular expression part 1
curl "" 2>/dev/null | grep -o "available_capacity\":[0-9]\+"
Now we have center name and available capacity so we will create a script to call this cowin api using
date=`date -d '0 day' '+%d-%m-%Y'`
center=`curl "$pincode&date=$date&min_age_limit=18" 2>/dev/null | grep -oe '"name":"[^"]*"' -e "\"available_capacity\":[0-9]\+"`
echo $center
chmod +x
Points :
1 - In the above script we create pincode variable and it is a editable you can edit as per the your area code
2 - Second variable we are print current date you can also edit for next day just increases the number like 0 day to 1 day ( tomorrow ) or 2 day ( day after tomorrow ) .
date=`date -d '0 day' '+%d-%m-%Y'` - Today
date=`date -d '1 day' '+%d-%m-%Y'` - Tomorrow
date=`date -d '2 day' '+%d-%m-%Y'` - Day after tomorrow
3 - In the third variable we used curl command and grep value, after the execute, below response from cowin api, center name and available capacity
4 - Now we will create 3 another variable below
c_name=$(echo $center | grep -oe '"name":"[^"]*"' | sed -e 's/"name"://g')
capacity=$(echo $center | grep -o "available_capacity\":[0-9]\+" | sed -e 's/available_capacity"//g')
c_available=`paste <(echo "$c_name") <(echo "$capacity") | sed '/:0/d'`
c_name is for Center Name, we are removing a "name" from exact value.
we create a capacity variable for Available Capacity of vaccine and remove available_capacity" using sed command.
In c_available variable we are merging the both output c_namec_name + c_name
To check outputs we use below
echo $c_available
In the above screenshot, we printed center with available capacity of Bhopal ( updated pin in variable )
In the Next step we will use condition
echo $c_available | grep -E :[0-9]\+ 2>&1 >/dev/nullif [ $? == 0 ]; thenecho "Available Center and Capacity of Vaccine"paste <(echo "$c_name") <(echo "$capacity") | sed '/:0/d'elseecho "All Center is Booked"fi
Explanations of condition :
1 - First we echo $c_available variable and grep capacity like :[0-9]\+ using regular expression. also we send the command output in dev null using 2>&1 >/dev/null
2 - We used if condition using the above command execution status code line 0 or 1 using $? == 0, in this condition if command founded any value then it will print "Available Center and Capacitiy of Vaccine" else it will echo "All Center is Booked"
Output of script:
We can send this output to our email address as notification, for this we require active email server for send mail. if you don't have follow below links
Email configuration
How to Configure Sendmail -- Click Here...
How to configure Sendmail using Gmail SMTP relay -- Click Here...
How to configure Postfix using Gmail SMTP relay -- Click Here...
Note: Follow any one if you do not have a active email server to send email.
Notification Sent in Email
We have to update below in the script
paste <(echo "$c_name") <(echo "$capacity") | sed '/:0/d' | mail -s "Cowin Vaccine Alerts" [email protected]
After adding mail command, Update your email to received cowin vaccine alerts and execute the script
At the final steps we can set the cronjob for receiving alerts, here we will set for every 2 min. once i will scheduled i will disable the cronjob.
crontab -e*/2 * * * * /root/
Check in logs:
Email Received:
Note: You can make it better then me, try own yourself and update below script and send me,
Best of luck...
Full Script :
#!/bin/bash#pincode=455115#pincode=455001#pincode=403504#pincode=452010#pincode=450331pincode=462042date=`date -d '1 day' '+%d-%m-%Y'`center=`curl "$pincode&date=$date&min_age_limit=18" 2>/dev/null | grep -o -e '"name":"[^"]*"' -e "\"available_capacity\":[0-9]\+" `c_name=$(echo $center | grep -oe '"name":"[^"]*"' | sed -e 's/"name"://g')capacity=$(echo $center | grep -o "available_capacity\":[0-9]\+" | sed -e 's/available_capacity"//g')c_available=`paste <(echo "$c_name") <(echo "$capacity") | sed '/:0/d'`echo $c_available | grep -E :[0-9]\+ 2>&1 >/dev/nullif [ $? == 0 ]; thenecho "Available Center and Capacity of Vaccine"paste <(echo "$c_name") <(echo "$capacity") | sed '/:0/d' | mail -s "Cowin Vaccine Alerts" [email protected]elseecho "All Center is Booked"fi
Thanks you !!
I hope this topic gave you all the information you needed. If you have any further questions or would like more detailed directions feel free to contact us using any of the following sources.We look forward to talking to you.