tags: aws access key id, aws, aws cloud, aws access key, aws console, aws login, aws training, aws cloud computing, aws server, aws tutorial, aws security,aws ansibl, aws ec2, aws s3, amazon web services, amazon web server, cloud computing, cloud, aws iam
1) Go to https://aws.amazon.com
2) Login OR Sign Up if you do not have an AWS account
3) Go to account menu in upper-right ( your account name ) and select “My Security Credentials”
AWS Access Key |
4) New window will appear, just click on “Get Started With IAM Users”
AWS IAM Users |
5) Press on “Add User” Button
6) Set User Details
User Name -
Access Type - Check as per requirement
Console Password -

User Name -
Access Type - Check as per requirement
Console Password -
7) Add User tags :
8) Review All Details
9) Press on “Create User” button to create user
Now you can show your Secret Access ID and Key , it will use to access your AWS Account.
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End of this AWS Access Key Tutorial, we need your support so i request you to please like and share this post also comment if something missing by me or give me a suggestion to make more easy/useful.