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MySQL Server |
Question : step by step MySQL configuration in centos 6 ?
Question : what is database and how to configure ?
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IP -
Hostname - khandwa.lokesh.com
OS - CentOS 6
PORT - 3306
MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use.
Required Packages :
mysql-server : The MySQL server and related files
mysql : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
Additionally, you may need to install the following packages to access mysql using various programming languages:
php-mysql : A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases.
perl-DBD-MySQL : A MySQL interface for perl.
MySQL-python : An interface to MySQL.
Step 1
Install MySQL Server & Client
# yum install mysql* -yFor Using * after mysql , take all package related to mysql
Import Mysql server files and ports
Mysql server config file: /etc/my.cnf
Mysql server log file: /var/log/mysqld.log
Mysql database storage directory: /var/lib/mysql/
Step 2
Open my.cnf file and add line
# vi /etc/my.cnf
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my.cnf |
Step 3
To Start MySQL Service
service mysql restartchkconfig mysql on

Step 4
To Configuration MySQL Server, With the help of mysql_secure_installation Command
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mysql_secure_installation |

Note:Press enter to give password for root when that program asks for it by default root password is null
Step 5
Login to MySQL Server using Shell, Login into MySQL using cli or Terminal
mysql -u <username> -p <enter>Enter password:********
-u : MySQL Username
-h : MySQL server name (default is localhost)
-p : Prompt for password
Example :
myslq -u root -p
Enter password:********

How to Show User and Host in MySQL / MariaDB / Display MySQL User List
mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user;

How to Show User and Host in MySQL / MariaDB / Display MySQL User List
mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user;
- SELECT command tells MySQL that you are asking for data
- user, host, password is MySQL fields
- mysql.user tells mysql database and the user table.
- ; semicolon : The command ends with a semicolon
mysql>CREATE DATABASE school;
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Create MySQL Database |
Show / Display database list
mysql> show databases;
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show database |
mysql>CREATE USER '<username>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
mysql>CREATE USER 'lokesh'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'server32';

Grant Database User Permissions
mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <database>.* to <username>@localhost;
mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON school.* to lokesh@localhost;

Flush the privileges to make the change take effect.

Verify that the privileges
myslq>SHOW GRANTS FOR '<username>'@'localhost';
mysql>SHOW GRANTS FOR 'lokesh'@'localhost';

To Use Database
mysql> use <database name>

Flush the privileges to make the change take effect.

Verify that the privileges
myslq>SHOW GRANTS FOR '<username>'@'localhost';
mysql>SHOW GRANTS FOR 'lokesh'@'localhost';

To Use Database
mysql> use <database name>
mysql>use school

To Create Table in database
mysql> CREATE TABLE student (id INT, name VARCHAR(20), email VARCHAR(20));
Display Tables / Show Database Tables

Insert Data in to the Table:
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(1,"jai","[email protected]");
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(2,"ram","[email protected]");
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(3,"shive","[email protected]");

Show / Display Table data:
myslq> SELECT * FROM student;

Updating data in Database Tables
The UPDATE statement is used to change the value of columns in selected rows of a table.
mysql> SELECT * FROM student;
mysql> UPDATE student SET name='shyam' WHERE Id=2;

To Create Table in database
mysql> CREATE TABLE student (id INT, name VARCHAR(20), email VARCHAR(20));
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Create database tables |

Insert Data in to the Table:
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(1,"jai","[email protected]");
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(2,"ram","[email protected]");
mysql> INSERT INTO student (id,name,email) VALUES(3,"shive","[email protected]");

Show / Display Table data:
myslq> SELECT * FROM student;

Updating data in Database Tables
The UPDATE statement is used to change the value of columns in selected rows of a table.
mysql> SELECT * FROM student;
mysql> UPDATE student SET name='shyam' WHERE Id=2;
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Delete data from database |
Here We update name shyam to ram with id = 2
Deleting data From Database Tables
mysql> DELETE FROM student WHERE Id=1;We delete a row with Id=1.

Delete all data in the table
mysql> DELETE FROM student;
mysql> TRUNCATE student;

Delete a Database in MySQL
mysql>DROP DATABASE <database name>;
mysql>DROP DATABASE student;

Step 6
To Setup a MySQL root Password
How to Dump a MySQL / MariaDB database ?
Deleting data From Database Tables
mysql> DELETE FROM student WHERE Id=1;We delete a row with Id=1.

Delete all data in the table
mysql> DELETE FROM student;
mysql> TRUNCATE student;

Delete a Database in MySQL
mysql>DROP DATABASE <database name>;
mysql>DROP DATABASE student;

Step 6
To Setup a MySQL root Password
mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORDTo Change or Update a MySQL root Password
mysqladmin -u <username> -p'<old Password>' password <new password>
mysqladmin -u root -p'server' password server32BACKUP & RESTORE of DATABASE
How to Dump a MySQL / MariaDB database ?
Backup: back up a single database, you create the dump and send the output into a file,
mysqldump -u root -p <databasename> > <dump file name.sql>mysqldump -u root -p mail > mail.sqlEnter password: ********

Restore Database:
mysqldump -u root -p <database> < <dumpfile>.sqlmysqldump -u root -p mail < mail.sqlEnter password: ******

Multiple Database Backup
mysqldump -u root -p [database name 1] [database name 2] [database n] > [dump file]mysqldump -u root -p mail lokesh lokesh1 > databasebackup.sql

Backup all databases in MySQL.
mysqldump -u[user name] -p[password] --all-databases > [dump file]myslqdump -u root -p -all-databases > alldatabasebackup.sql

Backup a specific table in MySQL.
mysqldump -u root -p [database name] [table name] > /tmp/sugarcrm_accounts_contacts.sql
phpMyAdmin : Click Here.. For WEB-BASED GUI Management for Mysql User php